Departure from Sigel |
When we think of the greatest feats of man, several events come to mind - the pyramids, landing on the Moon, scaling Everest. These are nothing when you consider that we actually left Sigel within 10 minutes of our scheduled departure time with all our luggage in the vehicle. I almost cried with joy.
First on our schedule was a stop at Notre Dame to view the Golden Dome in person. Chunk is a big Fighting Irish fan, so this stop had particular meaning. We were able to see the Dome, some of the sacred grass, and (of course) Touchdown Jesus. Good times were had by all.
Touchdown Jesus! |
We arrived in Hot Springs, SD at 8:00AM, where we enjoyed an excellent breakfast at Dale's Family Restaurant. Kati was sick to her stomach all night, but ate both her breakfast and 1/2 of Josh's, at times even gaining his permission to do so.
We hit the ground running on Day 2 with a trip to Wind Cave, which is the 5th largest cave system in the world. There are apparently 138 miles of navigable caves layered in a 1 square mile area. This includes a massive underground lake with dozens of unique microbes that digest rocks and shrubs made of crystal. They teased us with this, but then said nobody is allowed there.
Caves ROCK (get it?) |
The Bachelor Life Killed Him... |
After the mammoth site, we traveled the Needles Highway in Custer State Park. This 14 mile road includes many switchbacks, tunnels, and curves winding around amazing rock spires. Our car - like 'Merica - is a democracy. Kati asked to drive this highway, but was soundly defeated by a vote of 4 to 1. We love her dearly, but did not wish to risk so much so soon in the vacation.
This is Why Kati was Denied |
Our final stop was Mount Rushmore for the evening lighting ceremony. They told stories about the four presidents, then light up the monument in dramatic fashion. Here are thoughts person-by-person:
Josh: "I thought it was bigger, but it is still striking."
Chunk: "Worth seeing once, but why do they call it Mount Rushmore?"
Kati and Becky was stunned speechless, muted by the glory of Mount Rushmore.
Matt: "We have 15 minutes here before we need to leave. Enjoy it quickly."
Up next, traveling from Mount Rushmore to Cody, WY through Little Big Horn.
Random Stats:
Total Hours Driven: 28
Town and Country Kills: 2 (Raccoon and unknown varmint)
Buffalo sited: 2
Showers Taken: 0
Quote of the Day
- Chunk, when our tour guide asked how old the Wind Cave is. He was off by 960 million.
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